Rich, Jeff & Joe Rossini | Impressed with your staff…


I just wanted to drop you a line to Thank You! My boys wont stop talking about how great a time we had up there. Everything was perfect at the resort, the hospitality, food, drinks & the fishing was awesome. Like I told you when we were on the hard water, even tho I have made at least one trip up north in the fall for the last 35 years or so, this was our first trip in the winter & It wont be the last!! My only regret is that there was not enough snow to do any riding. What a crazy winter eh?

Anyways keep up the good work!

Oh yeah, I don’t know if I mentioned this while we were up there but I was really impressed with your staff also, they seemed quite happy to be working for you as they had nothing but good things to say about you, and not only when talking to the guests, but when they were bs’ing amongst themselves too. Everyone acted quite professional & had great attitudes. You just don’t get that much nowadays!

Look forward to booking our fall & winter trip

I’ll talk to the guys & get things booked as soon as I can get everyone’s schedules

Thanks Again & Take Care,
Rich, Jeff & Joe Rossini